Installation Instructions
This section provides instructions for installing SQL Server Express on the Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.3 server.
To install SQL Server Express:
- Download the file SQLEXPR.exe ( To do this, either double-click the file SQLEXPR.exe or right click it and then click Run to start the installation on the Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.3 server.
- The Registration Information window opens. In this window, you must de-select the Hide advanced configuration options check box. Then click Next.
- The Feature Selection window opens. In this window, under the Database Services folder, select the option Entire Feature will be installed on local hard drive.
- In the Feature Selection window, under the Client Components folder, select the option Will be installed on hard drive. Then click Next.
- The Instance Name window opens. Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.3 is configured to use the default database instance. So, select the option Default Instance and then click Next.
- The Service Account window opens. The built-in System account is the maximum privilege account. Hence, in this window, select the option Use the built-in System account. Choose the value Local system from the drop down list.
In the Start services at the end of setup section, select the check boxes SQL Server and SQL Browser. This will automatically start the services once the setup is complete. These services need to be running for the Parallels Pro Control Panel installation to proceed successfully. Then click Next.
- The Authentication Mode window opens. In this window, select the option Mixed Mode (Windows Authentication and SQL Server Authentication). Enter the server authentication login password and then click Next.
- The Collation Settings window opens. In this window, ensure that the SQL collations (used for compatibility with previous versions of SQL Server) is selected. Choose Dictionary order, case insensitive, for use with 1252 Character Set. Then click Next.
- The User Instances window opens. Select the check box Enable User Instances to facilitate creation of a separate instance. Then click Next.
- The Error and Usage Report Settings window opens. Click Next.
- The Completing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup window opens. Click Finish to complete the SQL Server Express setup.
The SQL Server Express is now installed on the Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.3 server.