Using FTP to Import Data
The FTP option is recommended for large files.
To import data using FTP:
- In the Shortcuts section of the , click Export/Import (Administration section).
- Click Import Using FTP.
- In the FTP Server field, enter the name of the FTP server where you have archived the exported data.
- In the FTP Login field, enter the user name of your account on the FTP server.
- In the FTP Password field, enter the password of your account on the FTP server.
- In the FTP Location field, enter the full path to the export directory on the FTP server. If you leave the field blank, the location defaults to your home directory.
- In the Email field, enter the email address at which you want to receive email status notifications about the operation.
- Click Connect.
- Select the check boxes next to the files you want to import.
Note: Files split into multiple files during export can be imported as a single file. Select the main export file (<exportfilename>.tar.gz), then select the Enable Recurse check box (displayed at the end of the file listing). Do not select the individual files (<exportfilename>.<x>.tar.gz> where <x> indicates each individual file) that constitute the main export file.
- Click Import.
The status of the import is conveyed in an email notification sent to the specified email address.