Sending Majordomo Commands

One of the benefits of using Majordomo to manage mailing lists is the ability to send commands to the Majordomo server. These commands make it possible to automate tasks such as adding or removing members to the list and getting information about the list.

You send majordomo commands to the following address:


where <> is the name of your domain.

In the body of the email message, you can include one or more of the commands listed in the Majordomo email commands table.

Note: The email message must include only commands in the body of the email message; it can contain no other text.

Majordomo Email Commands




Receive an email message with detailed help about Majordomo

info <mailing list name>

Receive an email message stating when the mailing list was created or modified


Receive an email message showing all the mailing lists on the domain

which <email address>

Receive an email message indicating the mailing lists to which the user at the email address you specify has subscribed

who <mailing list name>

Receive an email message listing the users who have subscribed to this mailing list

subscribe <mailing list name> <email address>

Add the user at the email address you specify to the mailing list you specify

Unsubscribe <mailing list name>

Remove yourself from the mailing list you specify

signoff <mailing list name>

Remove yourself from the mailing list you specify