About AWStats Reports
AWStats' reports include a wide range of information on your web site usage:
- Number of Visits, and number of Unique visitors.
- Visit duration and latest visits.
- Authenticated Users, and latest authenticated visits.
- Usage by Months, Days of week and Hours of the day (pages, hits, KB).
- Domains/countries (and regions, cities and ISP with Maxmind proprietary geo databases) of visitor's hosts (pages, hits, KB, 269 domains/countries detected).
- Hosts list, latest visits and unresolved IP addresses list.
- Most viewed, Entry and Exit pages.
- Most commonly requested File types.
- Web Compression statistics (for Apache servers using mod_gzip or mod_deflate modules).
- Visitor's Browsers (pages, hits, KB for each browser, each version, 123 browsers detected: Web, Wap, Streaming Media browsers..., around 482 with the "phone browsers" database).
- Visitor's Operating Systems (pages, hits, KB for each OS, 45 OS detected).
- Robots visits, including search engine crawlers (381 robots detected).
- Search engines, Keywords and Phrases used to find your site (The 122 most famous search engines are detected like Yahoo, Google, Altavista, etc...)
- HTTP Errors (Page Not Found with latest referrer, ...).
- User defined reports based on url, url parameters, referrer (referer) fields extend AWStats' capabilities to provide even greater technical and marketing information.
- Number of times your site is added to Bookmarks / Favorites.
- Screen size (to capture this, some HTML tags must be added to a site's home page).
- Ratio of integrated Browser Support for: Java, Flash, Real G2 player, Quicktime reader, PDF reader, WMA reader (as above, requires insertion of HTML tags in site's home page).
- Cluster distribution for load balanced servers.