Adding a Mail Exchanger (MX) Record

A Mail Exchanger (MX) record specifies a mail server for the domain other than the SMTP server provided by Parallels Pro. You can designate more than one external mail server for the domain.

Note: Add a Host (A) record for the host running your mail server before you create the MX record pointing to it.

To add an MX record:

  1. In the shortcuts section of the Home page , click Zones (DNS section).
  2. In the Zone List form, locate the zone you want to add a record to, and in the Actions column, click . The Record List form opens. It displays all existing records for the zone.
  3. Click Add MX Record. The Update Mail Exchanger (MX) Record form opens.
  4. Optional: In the Mail Domain field, enter the name of the subdomain this mail server will serve; for example,
  5. In the Mail Server field, enter the name of the mail server that will serve your domain.
  6. Optional: If you are designating more than one external mail server for the domain, use the Precedence field to set the delivery priority among the mail servers.

    Note: The lower the number in this field, the higher the priority. For example, if you have two mail servers, you could assign a delivery priority of 3 to one server and 4 to the other. Mail would be delivered to the precedent 3 mail server first. If delivery fails there, it would be delivered to the precedent 4 mail server.

  7. Click Add.