Introduction to Webalizer

Webalizer is a free log file analysis application that generates highly detailed usage summaries for Web and FTP servers in easily comprehensible graphical and tabular formats. The logs generated are a statistical encapsulation of user traffic on your server.

Webalizer reports are generated at a scheduled time and in accordance with the configuration options you configured for the site at the time of creating the site.

Note: The webalizer.conf file for the Web server is located at /home/virtual/<site_name>/etc/webalizer/web, where <site_name> is the name of the site for which you configured Webalizer.

The webalizer.conf file for the FTP server is located at /home/virtual/<site_name>/etc/webalizer/ftp, where <site_name> is the name of the site for which you configured Webalizer.

Features of Webalizer

Supported log formats

Server logs follow defined standards in the way information is stored in a log file.  

Webalizer supports the following log formats.

Report generation

Webalizer provides Web and FTP log reports in HTML format that can be viewed with any browser. It provides a highly detailed report of the activity on your server, manifest in a variety of reports.

When a log report is requested, Webalizer performs the following actions to produce the report.

  1. Reads for the Webalizer configuration information (contained in the webalizer.conf file) for the site. Webalizer can read both GZ and ZIP file formats. If it gets a GZ or ZIP format, it decompresses the file on the fly.
  2. Creates an output directory to store the log reports. If no directory is specified, the current working directory is used.
  3. Reads the history file (contains totals for previous months) for the site, if it exists.
  4. If incremental processing of logs is enabled, then it looks for a data file, named webalizer.current, that contains information about the previous run.
  5. Processes the Web server log file. If the log file contains information for multiple  months, a separate HTML file is created for each month.
  6. Creates the usage summary (encapsulated in the index.htm file). The usage summary shows totals by month, and links to the HTML page of each month.
  7. A new history file is saved to disk, which contains the totals generated by Webalizer during the current run.
  8. If incremental processing is enabled, a data file (webalizer.current) is written, which captures necessary information about the current run.