Creating Service Plans
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Before creating sites, you might want to create Service Plan templates. These templates are not required to create a site; however, they can make creating multiple sites easier and faster by establishing the services and utilities you want to assign to specific sites when you create them.
To create a Service Plan template:
- In the shortcuts section of the , click Add Service Plan (Sites section).
- Use the Service Plan Options Information to help you complete the form.
- In the Save Plan area, save the plan as a new template or overwrite an existing template. Do one of the following:
- To save the plan as a new plan, select the Save as a new plan option. In the adjacent text box, enter the name of the new plan.
- To update or overwrite an existing plan, select the Save as an existing plan option. From the list, click the arrow and choose a name.
- To save this plan as the default plan, click the arrow and choose default.
- Click Save.
The control panel creates a Service Plan template using the data you supplied on this form. The name of this Service Plan template will appear in the Plan List form.
Next Quick-start topic: Creating and managing an IP-based site