Adding an Additional Context Path

All Tomcat enabled sites receive the default context path as /var/www/html/. As the Server Administrator, you can add an additional context path.

To add an additional context path:

  1. Log on to Parallels Pro Control Panel as the root user.
  2. Change directory to /var/tomcat4/conf/sites.xml.d/.
  3. In this directory, create a file site<n>.xml.custom.
  4. Add the additional context to this file.
  5. Regenerate the file /var/tomcat4/conf/server.xml using the following command.

    m4 /var/tomcat4/conf/server.xml.template > /var/tomcat4/conf/server.xml

  6. To clear the cache in order to enable new changes in /var/tomcat4/work/domain name, type the following commands.

    cd /var/tomcat4/work/

    rm -rf *

  7. To restart Tomcat, type the following command.

    /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat4 restart

    When adding an additional context path: