External Links in Parallels Pro Control Panel

In the NAT context, the term external links refers to any hyperlink or HTTP redirection URLs, that are absolute, as opposed to relative. To ensure successful resolution of these URLs, you must modify the appropriate directive in the Parallels Pro configuration file epl.conf. the following table lists all the links that use the name or IP address of the server.

Name of the link

File(s) affected


Configuration item

Default value

Non-secure IP address of the Parallels Pro interface


The right-hand side of the Rewrite Rule indicates the server on which the non-secure UI (port 8080) is running


IP address of the server

phpMyAdmin link in the Server Administrator control panel


This hyperlink is displayed in the Server Administrator control panel for the MySQL option as http://<server_phpmyadmin>/MyAdmin/index.php


Name of the server

/admin/ and
/user/ redirects for a site

/etc/httpd/conf/virtual/< siteN>

When you type http://<sitename>/admin/ or http://<sitename>/user/, you are redirected to the Site Administrator URL (https://<eplhttpd_ipaddress:19638>/siteadmin/?ocw_login_domain=site) or the User Administrator URL (https://<eplhttpd_ipaddress:19638>/siteuser/?ocw_login_domain=site) for that site.


IP address of the server

Domain preview


Parallels Pro Control Panel allows a domain to be accessed using http://<server_name>/<domain>/. The domain preview URL appears in the Site Administrator control panel, under the Configuration option.


Name of the server