You can customize the look and feel of Parallels Pro Control Panel to suit your preferences or extend your company's branding to convey brand association and unity. This look and feel includes micro-level customizations on an existing skin such as logo, banner, colors, graphics, menu configuration, and styles or using a completely new visual style in the form of a new skin.
What you can change: Banners and logos, colors and graphics, padding, spacing, and font sizing, display and position of menu options on the left navigation bar, top navigation bar, shortcuts, and content (service providers can add content to the Site Administrator control panel).
What you cannot change: The title of the page displayed in the browser window.
Your customers cannot change the branding of their top-level control panels. However, the system is designed so that they can override your settings and customize the control panels used by their customers (their Reseller Administrators, Site Administrators and User Administrators).
Your branding preferences are automatically applied to reseller, site, and user control panels only if resellers and Site Administrators have not added their own branding preferences. This preserves their ability to brand their customers' control panels.
When you add or change your branding preferences, those preferences are applied as follows:
Control panel |
How preferences are applied |
Resellers and sites you own |
Your changes are always applied immediately. |
Resellers and sites owned by your resellers |
Your changes are applied only if the reseller has not customized the reseller or site control panels. |
Users added by Site Administrators |
Changes are applied only if the Site Administrator or reseller has not customized the user control panel. |