Importing a Site

This method imports the site's configuration.


public void ImportSite (SiteExportImport[] exportimportoptions, string username, string password)


  • exportimportoptions, which is the Array of SiteExportImport objects with details of all sites to be imported
  • username, which is the username of the service provider/Reseller
  • password, which is the password of the service provider/Reseller

Return Value


Example Code:

SiteExportImport[] eximOptions = new SiteExportImport[] {new SiteExportImport()};

eximOptions[0].SiteName = "";

eximOptions[0].SiteShortName = "";

eximOptions[0].ConfigOnly = false;

//Complete path to site's exported data folder has to be specified

eximOptions[0].ExportImportPath = "C:\\Export\\ISP\\EPWCHK\\Site\\wstestorg.raj\\12-04-06 18-25-02 0";

eximOptions[0].WithAllUsers = true;

w.ImportSite(eximOptions, "admin", "ensim123");