This method creates a new site from an existing template on the Parallels Pro Control Panel server.
Method |
public void AddSite (Site site, string username, string password) |
Parameters |
Return Value |
none |
Note: Before running this method, the Parallels Pro Control Panel must contain a template for adding a new site. If a template does not exist, you must create a new template using the Parallels Pro Control Panel. For instructions on creating a new template, please refer to the online Help available in the Parallels Pro Control Panel by clicking General Help in the Help section on the left navigation panel.
Site site = new Site();
site.DisplayName = "";
site.Name = "";
site.ShortName = "";
site.TemplateName = "Default Template";
site.ContactEmail = "";
site.AdminUserName = "admin";
site.AdminDisplayName = "Administrator";
site.AdminPassword = "ensim123";
site.AdminEmail = "";
site.IpBased = true;
//Set false for name based sites
site.IpSelection = "auto";
//Specify IP address( or auto for automatic allocation.
//(This is applicable only for IP-based sites)
w.AddSite(site, "admin", "ensim123");