Note: When using the code below, change the values, such as username and password, to match your setup.
// Part 1: Set up connection information for the Web Service
HostingWS w = new HostingWS();
w.Url = "";
w.Timeout = 100000;
//time out in milliseconds, -1 implies infinite
// Part 2: Create the site object for the new site
Site site = new Site();
site.DisplayName = "";
// Provide required site name
site.Name = "";
site.ShortName = "";
site.TemplateName = "Default Template";
// Specify the template using which the site has to be created
site.ContactEmail = "";
site.AdminUserName = "admin";
site.AdminDisplayName = "Administrator";
site.AdminPassword = "ensim123";
//Provide a password or the provisioning will fail
site.AdminEmail = "";
//Specify site administrator email address
site.IpBased = true;
// Specify if site will be IP based
site.IpSelection = "auto";
// Specify IP address manually or 'auto' for automatic IP allocation
// Part 3: Call the Web Service (page
w.AddSite(site, "admin", "ensim123");
//Where 'admin' is the service provider/Reseller username and
//'ensim123' is the password
Console.WriteLine( "Created");
Part 1. Set Up Connection Information for the Web Service
Provide the connection information, which is passed to the Web Service in all API calls made in the header for the request.
Part 2. Create the Site Object for the New Site
The created site object sets the short name, name, and other required information for the site. When working with objects like this, you are simply constructing proxy objects. At this point nothing is being sent to the Web Service.
Part 3. Call the Web Service
This is the only place that the Web Service is called. The Provisioning Service (w) is the Web Services object. If the call fails, an exception is thrown.