Update .po and Help Files (optional)

During the upgrade, existing .po and Help files are overwritten. If you translated or modified any of these files for a previous version of Parallels Pro Control Panel, and if you backed them up before you began the upgrade, you can compare these files to the upgraded files, then update them if necessary. The upgraded files are located in the following directories:

where <install_dir> is the location of the Parallels Pro Control Panel installation directory. If the default settings were used during installation, these directories are:

C:\Program Files\Ensim\WEBppliance\cp\admin\resources

C:\Program Files\Ensim\WEBppliance\cp\admin\help

If you update .po files after the upgrade, you need to register the language pack as described in the following section.

To register the language pack:

  1. Log in to the Parallels Pro Control Panel server as the administrator.
  2. Open a command window, and change to the <install_dir>\cp\admin\resources directory, where <install_dir> is the location of the Parallels Pro Control Panel installation directory. If the default settings were used during the Parallels Pro Control Panel installation, the directory path is C:\Program Files\Ensim\WEBppliance\cp\admin\resources
  3. On the command line, run the following commands:

    net stop w3svc

    The World Wide Web Publishing Service is stopped.

    reglangpack -s <server_ip>

    where <server_ip> is the IP address of the Parallels Pro Control Panel server.

    net start w3svc

    The World Wide Web Publishing Service is started, and language pack registration is complete.

  4. In the command window, change to the <install_dir>\cp\admin\siteadmin\serviceComponents\filemanager\ FMWeb\resources directory, where <install_dir> is the location of the Parallels Pro Control Panel installation directory, and repeat step 3.

    If the default settings were used during the Parallels Pro Control Panel installation, the directory path is C:\Program Files\Ensim\WEBppliance\cp\admin\siteadmin\serviceComponents\filemanager\FMWeb\resources.

    The language pack registration is complete.