Using the Command Line Interface (NetworkconfigurationCLI.exe)

This section provides instructions for using NetworkconfigurationCLI.exe to change the network settings of your Parallels Pro Control Panel server.

To change the network settings of Parallels Pro Control Panel server using the CLI:

  1. Connect to the Parallels Pro Control Panel server using the console or terminal services and log on as the administrator.
  2. Open a command window, and change to <Parallels_ Pro_Control_Panel_install_path>\cp\admin\bin directory, where <Parallels_Pro_Control_Panel_install_path> is the location of the Parallels Pro Control Panel installation directory. If Parallels Pro Control Panel is installed in the default location, then the path is C:\Program Files\Ensim\WEBppliance\cp\admin\bin.
  3. Type the following command on the command line.

    NetworkconfigurationCLI.exe <server_IP_address> <server_FQDN> <username> <password> <restart_now>
