This section describes some of the parameters that are included in the XML files and passed to UpdateObj.exe
for updating a site. The following table describes the parameters included in the Service and ServiceComponent sections used in the XML files.
Description of parameters used for updating a site |
Parameters |
Type |
Description of the parameter |
Default value |
Service name: WebHosting |
ip |
String |
IP address of the site |
Must be manually specified |
IsIpbased |
Boolean |
Is the site an IP-based |
False |
IPSelection |
Boolean |
Was the IPSelection parameter equal to "auto" or did it include the IP address when the site was created? If its value was "auto", then the value of this parameter should be "False". If it included the IP address, then the value of this parameter should be "True". Note: This parameter should be used only for IP-based sites. |
False |
BillingCycleStartDay |
Integer |
Start of the billing cycle (day of the month). Its value ranges from 1 to 31. |
Must be manually specified |
BandwidthActionSendMail |
Boolean |
Send a mail on exceeding the |
True |
BandwidthCapped |
Boolean |
Redirect the user to the "bandwidth exceeded" page on crossing the limit |
False |
BandwidthQuota |
Integer |
Bandwidth quota limit Note: If BandwidthQuota = -1, then its value is set as unlimited. |
1024 |
DiskQuota |
Integer |
Maximum disk space allowed Note: If DiskQuota = -1, then its value is set as unlimited. |
25 |
MaxUsers |
Long |
Maximum number of users allowed Note: If Number of Users = -1, then its value is set as unlimited. |
5 |
ServiceComponent name: msdns |
NumDNSZones |
Integer |
Number of DNS zones |
5 |
AllowSubdomainsOnly |
Boolean |
Prevent the site from adding |
True |
AllowReverseZone |
Boolean |
Allow the site to add reverse records |
False |
ServiceComponent name: w3svc |
EnableDotNet |
Boolean |
Enable support for .NET applications on the Web site. |
False |
ASPNetVersion |
String |
The version of the Microsoft .NET framework to be used by the .NET applications on the Web site. Note: If this parameter is switched to .NET 2.0, please ensure that existing .NET 1.1 applications are compatible with .NET 2.0 To view the list of the .NET framework versions available on the Parallels Pro Control Panel server, open the Registry Editor, and expand My Computer> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SOFTWARE>Microsoft>ASP.NET. You must specify the complete version of the .NET framework. Note: This parameter is applicable only if you have enabled the EnableDotNet parameter mentioned above. |
Must be manually specified Example. 1.1.4322.0 |
Boolean |
Enable Server Side Includes for the site |
True |
ThirdyPartySSL |
Boolean |
Is a third-party SSL certificate installed? |
False |
DefaultSSL |
Boolean |
Enable Default SSL certificate Note: This parameter should be used only for IP-based sites. |
False |
Boolean |
Enable SSL |
False |
SiteLogs |
Boolean |
Enable site logging |
True |
SharedSSLHost |
String |
FQDN of the SSL host |
Must be manually specified Example. host. |
HostHeaders |
Boolean |
Enable host headers |
True |
UseAsPDH |
Boolean |
Use as a Park Domain Host |
False |
MaxSubDomains |
Integer |
Maximum number of sub-domains Note: If MaxSubDomains = -1, then its value is set as unlimited. |
10 |
LogType |
String |
Format of the log file
W3C Extended Log File Format |
ChangeLogFormat |
Boolean |
Allow log formats to be changed |
True |
MaxConnections |
Integer |
Maximum number of connections Note: If MaxConnections = -1, then its value is set as unlimited. |
1000 |
Timeout |
Integer |
Web server connection timeout |
900 seconds |
Hits |
Integer |
Expected number of hits per day
1 (less than 100000) |
ReverseDNS |
Boolean |
Enable Reverse DNS lookup |
True |
EnableBWQuota |
Boolean |
Allow bandwidth usage to be |
False |
BandwidthQuota |
Integer |
Maximum bandwidth usage allowed |
1024 |
IISPermRead |
Boolean |
Enable read permission for IIS files |
True |
IISPermWrite |
Boolean |
Enable write permission for IIS files |
False |
IISPermDirectoryBrowsing |
Boolean |
Enable Directory Browsing |
False |
IISPermExec |
Integer |
Permissions for executing files
1 (Allow only scripts) |
IISApplProtection |
Integer |
Pool type
0 (shared pool) |
CPUrl |
String |
URL of the control panel |
Computer name or IP address of the server. |
ServiceComponent name: msftpsvc |
MaxConnections |
AnonymousConnections |
UserIsolationMode |
Timeout |
SiteLogs |
LogType |
IISPermRead |
IISPermWrite |
MessageExit |
MessageWelcome |
MessageMaxClients |
ServiceComponent name: frontpage |
RequireSSL |
EnableAuthoring |
MailSender |
MailReplyTo |
SMTPHost |
ServiceComponent name: php |
PhpType |
ServiceComponent name: mysql
ServiceComponent name: mssql
ServiceComponent name: odbc |
TotalSQLDSNCount |
TotalAccessDSNCount |
TotalMyODBCDSNCount |
ServiceComponent name: Mail |
EnableMailingLists |
EnableDomainAliases |
EnableDistributionLists |
EnableSpamFilters |
EnableUserAliases |
EnableWebAccess |
EnableForwards |
EnableAutoresponders |
ServiceComponent name: Powertools |
PowerToolList |