Registering the Web Application with Parallels Pro Control Panel
This section provides instructions for registering the Web application with Parallels Pro Control Panel.
Important: Registry entries are case-sensitive. Ensure that you use lower-case characters for registry variables.
To register the Web application:
- Log in to the Parallels Pro Control Panel server as the administrator.
- Open the registry editor and expand
My Computer > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Ensim > WEBppliance > serviceComponents > powertools > tools
. - Right-click tools, select New, then click Key.
- Rename the existing key entry as <powertool_shortname>. For example,
. - Right-click <powertool_shortname>, select New, then click String Value. This is a registry variable of type RE_SZ.
- Rename this registry variable as
. - Double-click
, type <powertool_shortname> in the Value data text box, then click OK. - Right-click <powertool_shortname>, select New, then click String Value.
- Rename this registry variable as
. - Double-click version, type <powertool_version> in the Value data text box, then click OK.
- Register the Web application with Parallels Pro Control Panel as follows:
- Open a command window and go to the directory<install_dir>
.Run the following command:
cscript registerTool.vbs
The Web application is registered with Parallels Pro Control Panel.