The following table lists the issues that you may encounter while provisioning or managing the Power Tool through the Parallels Pro Control Panel control panel.
Possible cause
Generic exception while creating a Power Tool instance
- The registry entries are typed using incorrect case.
- The Power Tool short directory name, long directory name, and/or version number are not the same in the
DSP.xml and DAPI.cs files, and the registry on the Parallels Pro Control Panel server.
Ensure that:
- The registry entries are typed using lower-case characters.
- The Power Tool short directory name, long directory name and/or version number are the same in the
DSP.xml and DAPI.cs files and the registry on the Parallels Pro Control Panel server.
Exception while provisioning the Power Tool to a site.
Certain applications required by the Power Tool are not provisioned for the site.For example, PHP or Perl required by the Power Tool is not installed.
Ensure that:
- All dependencies specified in the
DSP.xml file are met while provisioning the site with the Power Tool. - Interdependencies between other service components should also be also satisfied.
Unable to delete a site with a Power Tool instance.
The Remove() method in the DAPI.cs file is marked as a comment.
Ensure that the Remove() method is not marked as a comment in the DAPI.cs file.
Unable to delete a Power Tool instance from a site.
The Remove() method in the DAPI.cs file is marked as a comment.
Ensure that the Remove() method is not marked as a comment in the DAPI.cs file.
The Power Tool is provisioned more than once on a site.
The command for registering the Power Tool with Parallels Pro Control Panel has been executed more than once.
Ensure that you run the following command only once in the command window from the directory <install_dir>\pe\PowerTools on the Parallels Pro Control Panel server.
For example:
cscript registerTool.vbs .\X3\3.2.1\dsp2.xml
Multiple default.aspx entries in the site configuration file on the IIS server.
The following code is executed for every Power Tool instance and adds the default.aspx entry in the default document list each time:
Hashtable appendProperties = new Hashtable();
actions += new SetDefaultProperties(instanceData["url_path"].ToString(), appendProperties, null);
Ensure that the following lines in the DAPI.cs file are marked as a comment:
Hashtable appendProperties = new Hashtable();
actions += new SetDefaultProperties(instanceData["url_path"].ToString(), appendProperties, null);
Mandatory database-specific fields for provisioning the Power Tool for a site
The following XML options have the required attribute value as "yes" in the DSP.xml file:
" dbname"
" sqldbuser
" username"
" instance_admin"
" instance_pass1"
" instance_pass2"
Remove the required attribute from the following XML options in the DSP.xml file:
" dbname"
" sqldbuser
" username"
" instance_admin"
" instance_pass1"
" instance_pass2"