Once you install Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2, you can use your Web browser to access Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2, then log in as the server administrator and manage tasks at the server level.
To log in as the server administrator:
The Log in page opens.
If the Parallels Pro Control Panel license registration failed, the browser displays a message stating the reason for the registration failure. The license registration fails for the following reasons:
Important: If you click Continue to use the product for an evaluation period, you must register the license before the end of the evaluation period; otherwise Parallels Pro Control Panel stops functioning when the evaluation period expires.
To register the license, you can click Register, and specify the license key when you log in again to the Parallels Pro control panel. If you are already logged into the control panel, you can use the Update License page to specify the license key and register the license.
After the license registration is successful, the Server Administrator home page opens.
The Server Administrator home page includes shortcuts to some important tasks you will perform at the server level such as creating and managing resellers and sites. Use the home page to view and perform these tasks. You can also access these tasks from the top and left navigation bars.