Customizing Parallels Pro Control Panel

This chapter provides information and instructions on customizing Parallels Pro Control Panel.

Important: Parallels Pro Control Panel relies on certain RPMs for the operation of its control panel and for virtualization. We recommend that you consult Parallels Pro Support before you upgrade these RPMs. Refer to the standard packages table (Use of Standard Packages section) for the list of non-customizable RPMs. Some of the examples given below include the shell primitive \ which is used to enter a new line without the shell executing the command. This is included for reasons of clarity and can be omitted if your command fits in one line.

In this chapter:

Customizing the Parallels Pro Control Panel Virtual Private File System

Use of Standard Packages

Customizing the Parallels Pro Control Panel Configuration File

Customizing Parallels Pro Control Panel for NAT

Customizing Domains

Customizing the Web Site Welcome Pages

Changing the Message of the Day (motd)

Customizing Services

Customizing Notification Email

Adding and Removing Virtual DNS Servers for Reseller Administrators

Passing Additional Environment Variables to CGI Programs