Configuring logrotate
To configure logrotate settings, use the logrotate_be
logrotate_be [options]
--action specify the action to perform (0)-c
, --compress whether compression is enabled (1)-d
, --domain name of the domain of interest (2)-e
, --email address for sending out-of-existence logs (!)-f
, --frequency of log rotation (3)-h
, --help print this help message and exit-m
, --missingok whether missing log files is OK (4)-n
, --narchives number of archives to keep (5)-s
, --size maximum log file size for rotation (6)-v
, --version print version information and exit
- (!) Disabled in this version
- (0) One of the following strings: disable, enable, read, rotate, or write.
- (1) Either "y" or "n", indicating whether compression is off or on.
- (2) Mandatory argument.
- (3) One of the following strings: "daily4", "daily", or "weekly"-representing log rotation frequency (4 times a day, daily, or weekly).
- (4) Either "y" or "n", indicating whether missing log files is okay.
- (5) A non-zero integer with a maximum value of 5.
- (6) A non-zero integer representing maximum log size, optionally followed by "k" (for kilobytes) or "M" (for megabytes). For example, 100, 100k and 100M are valid specifications.