Site-specific customizations affect the way services (such as Apache) are configured for a particular site on the Parallels Pro Control Panel server.
Each service that can be customized for a site has a file explaining its variables in the file, /usr/share/doc/webppliance-
To customize any service for a site, you must copy the file /usr/share/doc/webppliance-
into /home/vitual/site
, where <n> represents the unique site number.
For example, to modify the behavior of the Apache service for a site, you must run the following command:
cp /usr/share/doc/webppliance-apache-3.5.0/ /home/vitual/site12/info/custom/
Then, modify the file /home/vitual/site12/info/custom/
, as required. The significance of each of the customizable variables is given in the file.
To apply site-specific customizations
as /home/virtual/site
< n>/info/custom/
n in site<n> stands for the site-specific number and <servicename> refers to the name of the service you want to customize.
For example, to customize the anonftp service, copy /usr/share/doc/webppliance-anonftp/
as /home/virtual/site1/info/custom/
as per your requirements./etc/rc.d/init.d/epld restart