Relocating Information Panels on the Left Navigation Bar

You can modify the default positioning of information panels on the left navigation bar by modifying the corresponding XSL style sheet. The following procedure provides instructions for relocating the Login Info panel.

To relocate information panels on the left navigation bar:

  1. Log in to the Parallels Pro Control Panel server as the root user.
  2. Verify that the resource /static/xsl/isp.navbar.xsl exists.

    /usr/bin/ensim/GUIResourceList --role <role> --user <username> --url /static/xsl/isp.navbar.xsl --skin <skin_name>

  3. Download the resource.

    /usr/bin/ensim/GUIResourceDownload --role <role> --user <username> --url /static/xsl/isp.navbar.xsl --skin <skin_name> > /tmp/isp.navbar.xsl

  4. Make the required changes to /tmp/isp.navbar.xsl as shown in the following figure and save the changes.


  5. Upload the resource to the Parallels Pro Control Panel server.

    /usr/bin/ensim/GUIResourceCustomize --role <role> --user <username> --url /static/xsl/isp.navbar.xsl --skin <skin_name> --uri /tmp/isp.navbar.xsl

    The resource is customized. To verify the results, log in to the Server Administrator control panel and refresh the Web page.

    If you want to revert your changes, type the following command.

    /usr/bin/ensim/GUIResourceRevert --role <role> --user <username> --url /static/xsl/isp.navbar.xsl --skin <skin_name>