Creating a Skin

The easiest way to create a new skin is to copy the skin directory of an available skin to a new directory as described in the following procedure.

To create a skin:

  1. Log in to the Parallels Pro Control Panel server as the root user.
  2. Change to the directory /usr/lib/ensim/frontend/skins/.

    cd /usr/lib/ensim/frontend/skins/

  3. Copy the contents of an existing skin directory recursively into a new directory. Further, preserve the existing file permissions (using the -p option).

    cp -Rp <old_skin_dir>/ <new_skin_dir>

    For example, to copy the existing skin directory cocoon to a new directory myskin, type the following command:

    cp -Rp cocoon/ myskin

    A new directory, myskin, is created under the directory /usr/lib/ensim/frontend/skins/, hence, myskin is recognized as a new skin by the Parallels Pro Control Panel. The control panel displays the name of the skin directory as a new skin option in the control panel. To apply the new skin to your control panel, log in to the Server Administrator control panel, and choose myskin. Notice that the new skin assumes the look and feel of the skin you copied. Customize the skin components as described in the Customizing a Skin section to provide a distinct look and feel for the new skin.