Importing Current Users

The Import page displays the list of exported files for users. You can import user data from a previously exported file. Each user can have several versions of exported data identifiable by their time stamps; the time stamp of the export operation is used to create a directory under which the exported file is located.

To import users:

  1. Specify the import options in the Preferences page.
  2. Before importing a user, you must first remove the user from the control panel. To remove a user:
    1. On the left navigation panel, in the Users section, click List Users.
    2. On the Users page, click the option button corresponding to that user, and click the Remove tab.
    3. Click OK.
    4. To confirm the removal of the user, go to the Users page, and verify that the name of the user is not displayed in the list of the users.
  3. Go to the Import page. To do this, on the left navigation panel, in the Users section, click Import.
  4. Select the check boxes corresponding to the users that you want to import.
  5. Click Import. The users are imported into the control panel.
  6. To verify the import process:
    1. On the left navigation panel, in the Users section, click List Users.
    2. On the Users page, check whether the users you have imported are displayed in the list of users.