Enabling Services for Users

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You can enable services for users either when you add the user accounts or afterward. You cannot enable services for the default administrator account, however.

To enable services for users after you have added the account:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click users.
  2. On the users list, select the user you want to enable services for. To select an item on a list, click the option button to the left of the item. Many of the action bar links above lists are enabled only after you select an item on the list. Then click overview.
  3. Click Services on the action bar at the top of the user information page. The services page shows all services currently enabled for the user.
  4. On the services page, click Add Service.
  5. On the add service page, select the service or services you want to enable for the user, then click Next. If no services are listed, either all available services have already been enabled for the user or there are no services available to your site. You can verify your site's services on the service components page.
  6. On the service options page, choose the options you want to enable for each service. For more information about service options, click the links below to open the service-specific Help.
  7. Review the summary information about the services being added. To make changes, click Previous. To enable the service for the user, click Finish.
  8. When the task is completed successfully, the service is enabled and the user can begin using the service immediately. Notify the user that the service is now available.

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