Enabling Power Tools for Sites

You can enable Power Tools for a site when you add the site or afterward. As soon as you enable Power Tools for a site, the site administrator can install individual Power Tools.

To enable Power Tools for a site when you add a site:

  1. In the shortcuts section of the Home page , click Add Name-based Site (Sites section) or Add IP-based Site, depending on the type of site you want to create.
  2. On the Add Site form, complete the Site Information section, then click Advanced.
  3. In the Power Tools section at the bottom of the Add Site form, select the check box next to Enable Power Tools, then choose the tools you want to enable for the site.
  4. Click Add Site.

    Power Tools is enabled for the site.

To enable Power Tools for a site after you have added the site:

  1. In the shortcuts section of the Home page , click List Sites (Sites section).
  2. Locate the site you want to change and in the Actions column, click .
  3. In the Power Tools section at the bottom of the Edit Site form, select the check box next to Enable Power Tools, then choose the tools you want to enable for the site.
  4. Click Update Site.

    Power Tools is enabled for the site. Additional information about installing and using tools is provided in the Site Administrator online Help.