About Power Tools

Power Tools are off-the-shelf Web applications that provide e-commerce, content management, forums, chat, and other dynamic features of Web sites.

Web applications have become popular since they are widely available from the open-source community, and they enable a Web designer to provide dynamic content without writing a program. However, installing the applications correctly and configuring them for a Web site often requires system administration expertise, which many Web designers do not have.

If your service provider enables Power Tools for you, you can offer it as a service to sites. Site Administrators can use Power Tools to install and configure Web applications on their sites through the Site Administrator control panel. They can do this without special system administration knowledge or expertise, and more important, without needing to call you for support.

Note: As new versions of Power Tools are made available, you must notify Site Administrators to upgrade the user instances to the latest version of the tool (if they want to deploy the user instances on the latest version of the tool).

When enabled, Power Tools appears as an option at the bottom of the Add Site form.

For a complete list of the available tools, refer to the Power Tools section (accessible through the Advanced section of the Add Site form) in the Reseller Administrator control panel.