To go to the administrator's change password page:
On the top navigation bar, click administration.
On the administrators list, select the administrator whose password you want to change.
On the action bar above the administrators list, click overview.
On the action bar above the administrator information form, click change password.
In the New Password and Confirm New Password text boxes, type a password that meets the password requirements .
The minimum length and complexity of passwords depend upon the system password policy set on the server. Please contact your service provider for these details. If specified, passwords are case sensitive, cannot contain spaces, and can be up to 47 characters in length. To increase security, passwords should contain both alphabetical and numerical characters. Allowed characters include: a-z A-Z 0-9 , . - _ / + $ : % @ \ = ? !
Click Save.
If you change the password of an administrator who is currently logged in, that administrator is logged out when they attempt any action. To continue working, they need to log in again using the new password.