Updating Your License

Your Parallels Pro Control Panel license enables you to create a certain number of domains or sites during a specified period of time.

If the license has approached its domain or validity limit, you need to register a new license.

If your license has not yet expired, and you need to upgrade your current license for domain allowance or to extend the license validity, then you need to update your existing license.

To register a new license:

  1. Obtain a new license key at Parallels Online Store (http://www.parallels.com/en/buyonline/ensimpro/) or contact your Parallels Account Manager to buy a new license.
  2. Type your control panel URL in a browser window. The enter license key page opens.
  3. On this page, type the new 25-character license key that you have bought.

    Note: The license key can be typed in either case. It is not case-sensitive.

  4. Click register product on the enter license key page.

Once the new license registration is successful, the control panel login screen is displayed.

Updating the existing license:

  1. Obtain a new license key at Parallels Online Store (http://www.parallels.com/en/buyonline/ensimpro/) or contact your Parallels Account Manager to buy a new license.
  2. Go to the update license page:
    1. Log in to the service provider control panel.
    2. Click the license management tab on the top navigation bar.
    3. On the action bar, click update license. The update license page opens.
  3. On this page, type the 25-character license key that you have bought.

    Note: The license key can be typed in either case. It is not case-sensitive.

  4. Click update on the update license page.

Once the license is successful updated, the view license information page is displayed.

You can now continue to use Parallels Pro Control Panel according to the new licensing terms.