Increasing and Decreasing Resource Limits

Increasing resource limits means to increase the server resources available to a reseller for a specific service. When you increase a reseller's resource limits for a service, you enable the reseller to sell additional resources for that service on your server.

Decreasing resource limits from resellers means to take server resources back from a reseller.

Before you increase a reseller's resource limits, you need to add a service to the reseller, and you need to have a server that has resources available.

To increase a reseller's resource limits:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click resellers.
  2. Select the reseller whose resource limits you want to increase, then click overview.
  3. Click the resources tab.
  4. On the action bar above the form, click Increase Resource Limits.
  5. In the Increase by column on the service page, enter the amount you want to add for each resource type, then click Save.

    Web Hosting 10.3.1 Version

The amount entered in the Increase by column is added to the previous limit and is displayed in the Limit column.

To decrease a reseller's resource limits:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click resellers.
  2. Select the reseller whose resources you want to decrease, then click overview.
  3. Click the resources tab.
  4. On the action bar above the form, click Decrease Resource Limits.
  5. On the service information form, type the amount by which to reduce the resource type limits in the Revoke column of the table. To remove all the resources for a resource type, select the option button next to All, then click Save.
  6. The amount of resources entered in the Revoke column is subtracted from the current limit. The result, plus any resources that have already been sold or in use, is displayed in the Limit column.

    You can decrease resources from a reseller only if they are not already sold or in use.