Requesting Password

If you are unable to recall your password, you can request the password information by providing your user name, then clicking the forgot your password? link displayed at the base of the Log in window. You must provide the answer to the hint question you selected when you had set the hint question and answer. This information is required to authenticate your request. After successful authentication, the password information is sent to the specified email address.

To request password information:

  1. On the Log in page, in the username text box, type in your user name.
  2. Click the link forgot your password? displayed at the base of the Log in window. The forgot your password? window opens.
  3. In the forgot your password? window, in the password secret answer text box, type the answer to the secret question and click Ok.

If the answer to the secret question is incorrect, an error message is displayed. The number of failed attempts to log in to the control panel is tracked. When the failed attempts reach the threshold value (as set by the service provider), an intimation email is sent to your specified email address.

If the specified secret answer is successfully authenticated, the password is sent to the email address you specified. You can then use the password sent to your specified email address to successfully log in to the control panel.

An email template named Send Password is used to send the password information.

You can change the format or content of the Password Communication and Threshold Reached template displayed on the Email Templates page.