Exporting Data

Tip: Export your account configuration and site data in different export directories for easy identification of files when you import.

Example. Export your account configuration files to a reseller_export directory and Site files to a site_export directory.

To export data, in the shortcuts section of the Home page , click Export/Import (Tools section), then follow the steps below.

Wizard Step1: Choose the type of export

  1. In the Type of Export area, select one of the following option buttons.

Wizard Step2: Enter FTP information

  1. In the FTP Server field, enter the name of the FTP server you want to use as the export server.
  2. In the FTP Login field, enter the user name of your account on the FTP server.
  3. In the FTP Password field, enter the password of your account on the FTP server.
  4. In the FTP Location field, enter the complete path to the export directory on the FTP server. If you leave the field blank, the data is saved to the home directory of the user specified in step 3.  

    Important: If the specified directory does not exist, the export fails and an email message containing the error is sent to you.

Wizard Step3: Enter miscellaneous information

  1. Optional: In the Maximum Export File Size field, enter the maximum size of the export file.

    Important: Various file systems and FTP server utilities have limits on the file size they can handle. If the size of your export file exceeds the file management capacity of the file system or the FTP server utility on your export server, the file is split into multiple files before continuing with the export.  
    The split files follow the naming convention given below:
    where exportfilename is the name of your export file.

  2. Click the arrow in the Unit field, and select the appropriate quantifying unit (Megabytes or Gigabytes).
  3. In the Email field, enter the email address at which you want to receive email notifications about the status of the export.
  4. Click Export.

    The status of the export is conveyed in an email notification sent to the address specified in the Email field.