Log Report Field Descriptions

The tabulated list below explains the various fields used in the Webalizer log reports.




The total number of requests received by the server during a given time period (month, day, hour). A hit is an incoming request.

Note: Any request (request for html pages, cgi scripts, graphics, audio files) qualifies as a hit.



The total number of hits (requests) that resulted in files being sent to the user. A file is an outgoing response.

Note: Not all hits will send data: some hits may result in 404-Page not found errors: some hits may be served from the browser's cache.
The difference between hits and files gives an estimate of repeat visitors. The greater the difference between the two, the more people are requesting pages they have cached (have viewed already).



The URL of the page requested, typically with any of the following extensions, .htm, .html, .cgi.

Note: Not all entities on the page qualify, for example, audio clips or graphics that link to non-page URLs will not be a part of this statistical representation.



A page request made to the Web or FTP server for the first time. If the same sites continues to make requests to your server within a given duration (time-out or active session), they will not be counted as separate visits. If the active session times out since the last request made by the site, then the subsequent request will be logged as a separate visit.

Note: Only actual pages (.htm, .html, .cgi) will qualify as a visit, visits as a result of links to graphic, audio or any non-page URLs will not qualify as a visit.



The number of unique IP addresses or host names that made requests to your Web or FTP server.

Note: This number may not be give an accurate representation of the visitors to your server, as many users may appear to come from a single site as in the case of name based sites.

Kbytes (KB)

The amount of data transferred from the Web or FTP server to the requesting host. One KB is equivalent to 1024 bytes.