Email Template Variables
Email templates are used to send automated email messages about account activity. For instance, when a site is created, an email message is sent to the email address provided for the new site. The default templates include variables, which are replaced with the proper information whenever a message is sent.
Email template variables include:
- $CPServers The URL of the control panel server
- $CPIPs: The Internet address of the control panel server
- $MyOrg. Your site name
- $NewResellerName. The name of the new reseller
- $NewSiteName. The name of the new site
- $Login. The username of the new reseller or site
- $UserName. The name of the user
- $Password. The password of the user
- $IPAddress. IP address of the requesting machine
- $Threshold. The threshold value for retrieving the password
How to view the template variables
- On the top navigation bar, click preferences.
- Click the email templates tab.
- On the email templates list, select the template you want to view, then click edit. The text of the email template is displayed.