Adding Resellers

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You add a reseller when you want to give a customer the ability to log in to the reseller control panel to sell server services to their customers.

To add a reseller:

  1. Start the add reseller wizard
    1. On the top navigation bar, click resellers.
    2. On the action bar under the resellers tab, click add reseller.
  2. Provide reseller Information

    On the reseller information form, provide the following information, then click Next.

  3. Create control panel account

    On the administrator account information form, provide the information required to create the administrator account for the reseller control panel, then click Next. Information includes:

  4. Choose Resources for Windows Web Hosting

    Choose the service options to enable for the reseller, then click Next. For information about resource options and limits, click the link below to open the service-specific Help.

    WebHosting version 10.3.1

  5. Verify information

    Review the information about the reseller. To make changes, click Previous. To add the reseller, click Finish.

The Reseller is added and is displayed on the Resellers page. If you enabled the reseller control panel login and services, the reseller can log in and begin to resell resources or services immediately. If you supplied an email address for the reseller, an email message is automatically sent notifying the contact person that the reseller account is enabled. See the Email templates page for more information about automated messages.

After you add a reseller, you can log in automatically to the reseller's control panel.

Next Quick-start topic: Add site templates