About This Guide

This guide provides instructions for upgrading to Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.1 for Linux (formerly known as Ensim Pro) from Ensim Pro version 10.0.0, 10.1.0, 10.2.0, or 10.3.0. For simplicity, Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.1 for Linux is referred to as "Parallels Pro Control Panel" throughout the document.

Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.1 supports the following operating systems: FC 6 (Fedora Core 6), FC 4, CentOS 4.4 (Community Enterprise Operating System 4.4), RHEL 5 (Red Hat® Enterprise Linux ES Release 5), and RHEL 4.

Note: FC 4 operating system is supported only with 32-bit architecture, and all other operating systems are supported with both 32-bit and 64-bit architecture.