Modifying a Domain

To modify a domain's information or Service Plan, use the EditVirtDomain script. The script allows you to update domain information and service settings, and enable or disable Power Tools and other services for a domain. Refer to the examples for help on usage of the script.


    [-p <source plan> | -s <source site> | -d <source domain> |
	-i <source IP> |-t <source path>]
    	[-c <service>,<option>=<value>,[on|off],... ...]
	[-f | --force]
  	[<target site> | -I <target IP> | -D <target domain>]


Note: If the -t option is used, the path will be /home/virtual/<sourcepath>/info/current.

For a list of service options you can change or add to a domain, as well as the options' values, see the Service Plan services and options table.

The following section lists some examples of this syntax.

Example 1

In this example, the script changes the Service Plan of the domain to Gold, disables the formmail-4.2b tool, and enables the phpnuke-6.9 tool and CGI service for the domain, not originally a part of the Gold Service Plan.

EditVirtDomain -p Gold -c cgi,on, -c scriptsmgr,on,formmail-4.2b=0,phpnuke-6.9=1

Example 2

In this example, the script changes the Service Plan of the domain to Basic, disables the Spam Filtering service, disables virus scanning for outgoing emails, and enables the aliases service for the domain.

EditVirtDomain -p Basic -c spam_filter,off \
-c mailscanner,on,scan_outgoing=0 \
-c aliases,on,aliases=\[,\] \
-c aspmgr,siteopti_add=1,siteopti_manage=1,emailmark_manage=0 \