Adding a Domain

To add a domain, use the AddVirtDomain script. This script adds a domain with the specified domain information and services. If you want to create a domain using pre-configured settings, specify the name of the corresponding Service Plan.

Important: Disabling bandwidth while adding a domain using the AddVirtDomain script produces erratic mail behavior. Do not disable bandwidth when you add a domain using the AddVirtDomain script.


AddVirtDomain -p default \
-c siteinfo,,admin_user=myname,tpasswd=go12 \
-c ipinfo,namebased=0,ipaddrs=\[\] \
-c telnet,off \
-c analog,on \
-c scriptsmgr,on,formmail-4.2b=1,gallery-1.3.4=1 \
-c users,maxusers=75 \
-c spam_filter,on \
-c mailscanner,on,scan_incoming=1,scan_outgoing=1 \
-c aspmgr,on,siteopti_add=1,siteopti_manage=1,emailmark_manage=1

In this example, the script adds a domain with the following specifications.

In this section:

Enabling Power Tools for a Domain