Services page (for users)
The services page shows the services that have been enabled for a user.
This page is not available for the default administrator's account; you cannot enable services for the default administrator.
On this page, you can view the following information:
Service. The name of the service available to the user.
Version. The version of the service available to the user.
Click action bar links to perform tasks. Many of these links are enabled only after you select an item from the list.
For service action bar links, make sure to use the action bar directly above the service form. The user action bar, which shows links for editing the user's account information, is also displayed on this page.
Action bar links on the services page include:
add services. Click this to enable services for the user.
overview. View information about the service, such as the components provisioned and the service settings.
edit. Change information about the service, such as the components provisioned to the user.
remove. Remove the service from the user. This prevents the user from accessing the service.
How to get to the services page
On the top navigation bar click users.
Select a user, then click overview.
Click the services tab.