Automatic login to control panels

Automatic login makes it possible for you to log in to a user control panel without having to enter a username or password. This is useful when you want to check or configure a user's settings.

How automatic login works

When you log in to another control panel automatically, the new control panel is displayed in your browser window. However, you are not logged out of the previous control panel, and you maintain your initial login identity. You are not logging in as, or impersonating, another user.

Your login information appears in the upper left of the new control panel. Your initial login is shown under logged in as; the new control panel login is shown under working as. Any actions you perform while auto-logged in show your initial username in the Action Log page of the initial control panel.

When you are automatically logged in to a control panel, you can return to the previous control panel by clicking log out in the upper left.


To log in automatically to a user control panel:

  1. Log in to the site control panel.

  2. On the top navigation bar, click users.

  3. On the users list, select a user.

  4. On the action bar above the list, click auto login.

  5. If the auto-login dialog box is displayed, click OK.

You are logged in automatically to the user's control panel. The user's name appears in the upper left of the control panel under logged in as. To return to the previous control panel, click log out in the upper left.