Viewing Web logs

This page displays a list of all the log files which IIS Web Service has generated for the Web site. The log files are located in the LogFiles directory under the domain's file system.

To view the Web site logs:

  1. Go to the Site Administrator Home page.

  2. In the IIS Web Service area, click View Log Files.

  3. The IIS Web log directory in File Manager displays all the IIS Web log files.

  4. Important: The File Manager Service has to be enabled for the site to view the IIS Web logs. If not, you have to create a virtual directory to view the log files.

To create a virtual directory for viewing logs:

  1. Open the Site Administrator Home page.

  2. In the IIS Web Service area, click Manage Virtual Directories.

  3. Click Add Virtual Directory. The Create Virtual Directory form is displayed.

  4. On the Create Virtual Directory page, provide the following information:
  5. Enter a name in the Virtual Directory text box.

  6. Enter \LogFiles in the Home Directory text box.

  1. Click Add. The virtual directory is added.

  2. Browse directory name.

For example, if you have created a virtual directory named 'Logs' in domain '', then browse

  1. Provide the Site Administrator user name and password.

  2. Note: If '403 forbidden' error is reported, then read access is not provided to the Log Files. Read access is granted to the user daily at 1:00 am.

    If 'Directory Listing Denied' error is reported, please allow directory listing configuration in IIS Web Server.

  1. Click the w3svc folder to view IIS Web log files and msftpsvc folder to view IIS FTP log files.