Web Hosting options for users

This topic describes the Web Hosting service resource options for users and user templates. You select these options when you:

Web Hosting options for users

Service Component

Resource or Option


IIS Web Service


Allocates a virtual directory to the user to set up his own web site.

IIS FTP Service

  • Note: The user can list all the files and directories present in the site's root directory but cannot view them unless he has the user permissions enabled.

User Permissions

Allow File Download (Read)

Allows the user to download files from his FTP directory and list directories.

Allow File Upload (Write)

Allows the user to upload, rename, and delete files from his FTP directory. It also allows to create directories.

Feature Configurations

Enable Logging Visits by User

Records the user's visits to his FTP directory in a log file.

  • Note: Visits are recorded only if logging is enabled for this FTP site.

Allow access to site's web site

Allows the user to access the files and directories of the entire site.

FrontPage Server Extensions 2002

Allow access to site's web site

Allows the user to access the site's files and directories using Microsoft FrontPage.


Feature configuration

Enable Web access

Allows the user to access his mails through the Web.

Enable forwards

Allows the user to create forwards for his email account.

Enable autoresponders

Allows the user to enable and create an autoresponder for his email account.