About Webalizer

Webalizer is a log file analysis tool. Webalizer generates highly detailed usage statistics for Web and FTP servers in easily comprehensible graphical and tabular formats. The logs generated are a statistical encapsulation of user traffic on your site.

Features of Webalizer

  1. Fast processing of log files

Log files, over a period of time, grow to very large sizes. A relatively small Web site that has several thousand visitors a month accumulates approximately 25 megabytes of log files per month. Most log file analysis tools are slow, processing the log files at speeds of only 2-3 megabytes per minute. Webalizer can be very fast; on a 200Mhz pentium machine, over 10,000 records can be processed in one second, with a 40 Megabyte file taking roughly 15 seconds (over 150,000 records).

  1. Portable

Webalizer is compatible with a range of hardware configurations ( Intel x86, Power PC, Sparc, Mips4 ) and operating systems (Linux, Solaris, OS/2) and can be easily ported from one system to another.

Report generation

Webalizer provides Web log reports in HTML format that can be viewed with any browser. It provides a highly detailed report of the activity on your server, manifest in a variety of reports.