Exporting current sites

The Export page displays the list of provisioned sites and lets you export the information for a site.

To export sites:

  1. Specify the export options on the Preferences page.

  2. Go to the Export page.

    On the left navigation panel, in the Sites section, click Export Sites.

  3. Select the check boxes corresponding to the sites that you want to export.

  4. Click Export. The sites are exported to the export location specified by your service provider.

  5. To verify the export process:

  1. Go to the Import page.

    On the left navigation panel, in the Sites section, click Import Sites.

  2. Verify that there is an entry with the correct time stamp for each site that you have exported. Each site can have several versions of exported data identifiable by their time stamps; the time stamp of the export operation is used to create a directory under which the exported file is located.