Administrator information page
The administrator information page provides contact and login information about the administrator. On this page you can perform several tasks and view the following information:
Name. The name of the administrator.
Username. The username the administrator types when logging in to the control panel.
External Email. An email address at which the administrator can be reached.
Account Enabled. The state of the account. States include:
. Active. The administrator can log in to the control panel.
. Disabled. The administrator cannot log in to the control panel.
Click action bar links to perform the following tasks:
edit. Change the administrator's account information.
change password. Change the administrator's password.
disable account. Disable an administrator's account. Not available for the following accounts: your current login, the default administrator account, and the account with the username cronjob.
enable account. Enable an account that is currently disabled.
remove. Remove an administrator's account. Not available for the following accounts: your current login, the default administrator account, and the account with the username cronjob.
How to get to the administrator information page
On the top navigation bar, click administration.
Select an administrator, then click overview.