Global search results
The global search results page is displayed when there is more than one match for the search keyword entered. It is also displayed when there are no matches for the keyword. If there are no matches, the phrase "No items in list" is displayed.
Tips for better search results
If there is a single item that matches the keyword, the overview page for that item is displayed.
On the search results page you can perform several tasks and view the following information:
Name. The full name of items matching your search.
Type. The type of items matching your search.
Description. The description of items matching your search.
Go to the overview or edit page for the item by selecting it, then clicking overview or edit on the action bar above the list.
View only the type of results you want. At the top of the form, check the box for the type of results you want to see, then click go.
Click show all at the top right of the form to view all types of results. This is the default view.
Sort the results by column name or use page controls to scroll through long lists.
The search engine searches your system and retrieves matches for sites only; it does not search for other types of information.