Edit skins
About skins
This page allows you to edit skin information.
To edit skin information, on the skins page, select a skin from the skin list and click the edit action bar.
In the edit skin page, enter the following information:
Skin Name. The name of the skin to be displayed in the list of skins to apply.
Style sheet. The path for the CSS file to be uploaded.
Images path. The path for Images folder which will contain images to be applied for the skin. The folder must contain all the required number of images. The images also include the icons in the control panel.
Note: 1. The selected skin will be updated only if its added by the logged in user. 2. System generated skins cannot be updated. 3. The skin change will get reflected for all users using this skin.
Click on the save button to add the updated skin to the list.
Click on the cancel button to exit this page and return to the skins page without updating the skin.
How to get to the skins page
Click the preferences tab from the top navigation bar. Then select the skins tab.