Adding administrator accounts
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You add administrator accounts when you want to create user logins through which you or others can access your reseller control panel.
To add an administrator account:
Go to the Add Administrator page.
On the Add Administrator form, provide the following information:
Name. Required. The name of the administrator. Names have to be at least 1 character in length; up to 128 characters are allowed. Names cannot include HTML tags.
Username. Required. The username the administrator will type when logging in to the control panel. Your domain name is appended to this username. Usernames can be up to 15 alphanumeric characters in length, and they cannot contain spaces.
External Email. Optional. An email address outside of this system at which the administrator can be reached.
Password. The password the administrator will type when logging in to the control panel. Password requirements
Confirm Password. Required if password is specified. The password retyped.
Click Add. The administrator's account is added and it appears on the Administrators page. Notify the administrator that the account is ready for use.
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