Generating and downloading CSV reports

CSV (comma separated value) reports contain usage report information in a comma-separated format. In this format, all of the information, such as the number of services and the number of components, is provided in a list with each value separated by a comma.

You can generate CSV reports, download them to your local system, then import them into spreadsheets and other data collection programs.

To generate a CSV report:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click Reports, then click the Usage tab.

  2. On the usage summary page, click Export Reports.

  3. Click Download across from the type of report you want.

  4. In the File Download dialog box, click Save.

  5. In the Save As box, choose where you want to save the file to, then click Save.

For information about importing the CSV report into spreadsheets and other programs, see the documentation for those programs.